Monday, July 28, 2014

Andrea Petrachi

Andrea Petrachi turns old school gadget into retro/futuristic android figures, bizarre characters and insects, born from the chaos of techno detritus.

All the design aspects of the original products ( old cameras, hardware, calculators, VTR, electric razors ) are absorbed into unique articulated sculptures, with an overabundance of personality that surpass their everyday materials.

Andrea describe his work as a celebration of the out-of-control desire to buy more and more things, a commentary to the planned obsolescence of products ( and  the vicious cycle of buying, breaking, and trashing ) which stand at the base of a mass production society.

Interested in forms that combines mechanical and organic parts, most of his pieces explores the boundaries between technology and anatomy, a dystopian vision inspired by diverse sources such as  underground subculture, cyberpunk, anime, sci-fi and videogames.

Rave reviews of his work were duly blogged and  featured in magazine like Wired, M/I/S/C, Surface, Daily Thelegraph, This Is Colossal, Beautiful Decay and Design You Trust.

Also knows as Himatic, Andrea Petrachi was born in 1975 and grown up in Lecce, South Italy. Actually live and works in Milan.

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