I did a quick Google the other day and here is a screen shot.
Too many of these are way too recent!
Feminist Frequency's Anita Sarkeesian.
Anita Sarkeesian was forced to leave her home and stay with friends after she received an outpouring of violent threats over Twitter.
Sarkeesian is a a media critic and the creator of Feminist Frequency, a video web series that explores how women are portrayed in pop culture.
Read more:
If you read the tweets from the above article are clearly made by a lone nut job, but I think he may voice the dark sexist secrets of many in our business.
Anita Sarkeesian has really talked been talking about the excessively violent themes in games and how they are mixed in with sexuality that underlies some of our colleagues behaviors.
C'mon! This can't be good training for our younger audience who could be tipped one way or the other in their development, but the problem goes deeper than that.
On Facebook the other day a female friend of mine actually has been so hazed by our brothers in the industry that she writes:
"Maybe I'm too old and too fat to keep working in the game business."No way, maybe some of us need to grow up and treat you as a we want to be treated.
I guess I'm saying, please don't justify this as a few isolated incidents!
Think about our role in this, even if you don't do it you need to call people out on it.
You may not even be aware that you have this attitude. Think about it from this perspective: Here's some primary documentation from The Reality of Sexism in the Game Industry by Jennifer Allaway
“I’ve been to GDC every year…since 2007…I have someone ask me if I’m lost. I have someone ask me if I’m looking for my boyfriend… And I’m just like I’m standing here, in a World of Warcraft T shirt and a Nintendo bag. Do I look lost? And yet, it happens. It’s constant. Constant. If I comment on Kotaku, and people realize I’m a woman, and I design games, I get told I should quit my job. And like, I’ve never known guys in the industry that have had to put up with that.”
If you do think somehow in your heart of hearts that women are a problem, you're probably a misogynistic dick and you should stop it.
Here is some food for thought:
Check your facts and here some food for thought for you:
Not to mention that there has been shown no oficial report on Anita's threats, the feds would advice her 'not to tell about this', the tweets were screencapped only 12 sec after the last so called threat under weird circumstances(one must have really been looking specifically for these kinds of threats), knew exactly when the last threat was made, it was also specifically scripted and thought out in advance(perfect spelling and too little time between posts). Not even mentioning the perfect timing during the whole Quinspiracy. Also we have the very cooperated work of the media to get this message out there.
And just perhaps, just perhaps even when this is all real. If you don't understand that we have more than 1 billion of people gaming out there, you are blaming the whole community... Really? Should I blame you for the war in Syria? Because you also live on this planet, or perhaps Columbine, the use of radiated ammo in Iraq, Hiroshima?
For the rest concerning her documentary:
Lies, quotemining and many of the remaining things can be explained just as easily from a different angle(like evolutionary psychology).
The same as trying to make this discussion go about misogyny. Everyone supporting Gamergate and notyourshield are people who just like to play a game and are fed up being told who and what they are. Do you have any idea how many people from different backgrounds, sexual preferences and any form of sexidentity are against the labeling in this discussion?
You want to go back to the litteral witchhunts? You want to go after communists? You want to go after comics, rock and roll, hidden messages in music and the violence on tv? Now we want to blame videogames(again!).
The overwhelming studies are in favor of that playing videogames have a positive effect on people(less crimes for instance). Feelings should be validated by facts, not the other way around.
The shaming, lies, misrepresentations of the truth, the shielding behind big groups should stop.You are only trying to appeal to guttfeelings, hearsay, but not a single shred of proof.
I'm known as a idealist, I work very hard to make people see the unequality concerning health and wealth. Working my ass of to make people see all the propaganda out there getting us into wars. Sticking my head out against unequality for 'any' person... We are lied against on so many levels and here you are with a 'uneducated' rant about videogames and trying to even make people like me look like mysogynists, because people like me dare to ask questions? It's bad enough being lied to by politicians and big companies costing millions of lives and here you show your so called sense of justice to give a rant about videogames.
I bet you just written this from your computer that was produced by people who work under harsch conditions and you are trying to preach some kind of injustice inequality?
Just wow...
And I know exactly how this will go any further: Since people like you just ignore all the stuff written(which I won't), won't even give in one inch (where I have no problem in telling you that I am an idealist and see much more problems), will only attack the weakest link, as if you were lucky and can get a little bit convincing, you can ignore the rest. Just pressume I am a mysoginist so it's just another reason to ignore what I am telling you.
I am a gamer, I have been since I was 3 years old and I will refuse to feel emberassed about it... I did not when it was for nerds and I will not be ashamed now... If you think it says more than just loving videogames, than 'you' are the one with prejudice.
Physician heal thyself.